
About Us

MyGTAP is a user-based initiative to extend the Standard GTAP model and data framework to include multiple households, split factors of production, and augmented income flows led by Pete Minor and Terrie Walmsley. The MyGTAP model and data tool were first developed by Pete Minor and Terrie Walmsley in 2011 as part of a World Bank\Bank of the Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP) grant. Later extension and enhanced capabilities were added to the MyGTAP model and data program by the authors. Work continues to extend MyGTAP by the authors and user\contributors.

While the model and data program were developed in GEMPACK, the data program can be used as a standalone product which allows a user to augment and split the Standard GTAP data flows based on a simple SAM representation or household surveys. The augmented data is output in both the normalized standard GTAP data set and a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The SAM is readily portable to many non-GTAP based models.

Please see the links to the left to learn more about the project and people behind MyGTAP.